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Hi I'm Ryoha
yes well this is my second site. all that will be ob this site is pictures of ryo-ohki and sasami. If n e of the other characters are in them then oh well. this is my second site and if this is the first one you have gone to then click the picture of me and it will take you there. In there, there is a pic of the real me and lots of info on me so yay like it. and if you don't then let me worn you. i'm like a rattle snake you dont watch out, i'll bite ya!! hehe j/k
here is a funny phrase I love to say, and many more
Lifes a vergin, get over it

see now, you hear the saying lifes a bitch get over it. But i have a theory against that. see now a bitch is someone who you make do everything for you and smack around. you say down they go down. you say clean they clean. you say suck mine and they do. so there for because life is hard it is a vergin. why else do you think people are vergins, because they are so hard.

men are like bulls. they are never with the same woman twice. once the first one is over with, he never goes back to her.

I'm buissy, your ugly, have a nice day.

Welcome To My Home Page
this is just me telling you that my real page is aft the link. this is just a place for me to hang my pics!

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4/30/01:add all pics to photo pages

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